If you have ever use NRF905 or NRF24L01, you may ever tired of wiring so much cable. Well, here this module helps you to do all.
This shield could easily help you to connect the following several kinds of modules with Arduino
This shield is compatible with most Arduino boards, including Arduino UNO, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Due, Arduino Mega.
WiFi Module | Arduino | |
1 | nRTS/nREADY | Pin 7 |
2 | nCTS/MODE/GPIO | Pin 6 |
3 | Link | Pin 5 |
4 | nRESET | Pin 4 |
5 | VDD | 3V3 (from LDO) |
6 | RXD | Pin 1/0 (adjustable) |
7 | TXD | Pin 0/1 (adjustable) |
8 | GND | GND |
The jumpers could set how to connect wifi module to Arduino.
If the jumper is in the "Arduino" way, Arduino could send command to wifi module.
If the jumper is in the "PC" way and this shiled is plugged in Arduino UNO or Mega, you could use Arduino as USB-TTL module. In this way, you could send command to this wifi module from PC directly. Note, you need to "erase" Arduino program. You could upload the bink sketch instead.
NRF905 Module | Arduino | |
1 | VCC | 3V3 (from LDO) |
2 | TXE | Pin 5 |
3 | CE | Pin 6 |
4 | PWR | A0 |
5 | CLK | |
6 | CD | Pin 2 |
7 | AM | Pin 7 |
8 | DR | Pin 3 |
9 | MISO | MISO |
10 | MOSI | MOSI |
11 | SCK | SCK |
12 | CSN | Pin 4 |
13 | GND | GND |
14 | GND | GND |
You could visit our github page for Arduino NRF905 library.
There are many nRF24L01/nRF24L01+ modules in the market and their pin definition is almost the same. So you could use this shield with it.
nRF24L01 Module | Arduino | |
1 | 3.3V | 3V3 (from LDO) |
2 | GND | GND |
3 | CSN | Pin 4 |
4 | CE | Pin 3 |
5 | MOSI | MISO |
6 | SCK | SCK |
7 | IRQ | Pin 2 |
8 | MISO | MISO |
You could refer to nRF24L01 library from Arduino official. Do not forget to change the pins in the code.
Wireless shield x1